Questions to Guide Your Journey


Questions to Guide Your Journey

There have been times in my life where I've been extremely distraught, confused on which way to go. 

I learned something very valuable 20 years ago. I felt stuck running my design firm and I didn’t know how to get out. The agency was my only source of income and I wasn’t in a position to simply walk away. Even thought the business was doing well, the work itself has lost its magic for me.  I was bored with the work and I wasn’t growing anymore. 

I kept asking “what do I want to do next? Which direction should I take?”

This question left me wandering in circles for years, especially when the answer wasn’t clear. 

What I learned was that I was an asking wrong question. 

I had defined myself based on what I was doing, yet my being had grown beyond my career.

Now I was ready to choose my next step based on a new sense of self / being.

Focusing on 'doing' often ties us to the superficial aspects of our roles—tasks, titles, and transactions—that, while necessary, do not fully express our deepest desires. 

On the other hand, focusing on 'being' connects us more deeply with our core values, aspirations, and the emotional dimensions of our work. 

The pursuit to understand who we want to become can illuminate our path far more brightly than the conventional inquiry about our next steps.

So, if you are meeting yourself at a crossroad and wondering what you should do next, here are a five questions you can ask yourself.  

These are the same questions that inspired new thinking for me when I was stuck that ultimately helped me get clear on what it is I wanted to do next. 

I encourage you to take these questions to your journal book and spend some time reflecting on them:

1. Who am I when I am creatively fulfilled? 

Consider moments when you felt most alive and engaged in your work. What were you doing? How did it align with your deeper values and sense of self? Reflecting on these moments can reveal powerful insights into who you aspire to be in your creative life.

2. What values do I want my work to embody?

Whether it's authenticity, innovation, empathy or fun, defining the values you want to express through your work can guide your decisions and shape your professional identity.

3. How do I want to feel in my everyday professional life?

Often, we focus on external achievements and overlook our internal experience. Do you want to feel challenged, content, excited, or stable? Recognizing your desired feelings can help prioritize opportunities that align with your goals.

4. What impact do I want my creativity to have on others?

Whether it’s inspiring change, provoking thought, or providing solace, the impact you envision is integral to defining who you want to be. This question not only guides your creative outputs but also connects your work to a larger purpose.

5. What am I willing to struggle for?

This question cuts to the core of passion and perseverance. Understanding what you are willing to endure for the sake of your craft can illuminate much about your deepest commitments and the path you should pursue.

Allow yourself the space and grace to explore these questions without pressure for immediate answers. Like any creative endeavor, self-discovery unfolds through trial and error. It involves experimenting, sometimes failing, and constantly tweaking our understanding of ourselves and our work.

While asking yourself "What do I want to do next?" is without a doubt important, it is by asking "Who do I want to become?" that aligns our soul’s desire with our actions. 

Let these questions guide you, inspire you, and push you to imagine a better future for yourself.


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