How to know you are on the right path

How to know you are on the right path.

“How do I know if I’m on the right path?” she asked as we began our first coaching session.

Kelly, a fifty-something year old design agency owner hired me to help her get out of the professional rut she’s been in and guide her in creating what’s next for her. “I’m feeling stuck” she said, “even though it sometimes seems like I’m making progress, it doesn’t feel like I’m on the right path anymore. I’m questioning everything”.

I could relate. I’ve been where she’s at before. I know what it feels like when the work we’ve been doing for years no longer feeds our soul. I know what it’s like when that spark that ignited us and motivated us to shine our light is lost.

Well, how would you know you are on the right path?” I asked.

She quieted for a moment. Her gaze shifted towards the horizon, as if she could find the answer there. “I would know because I would feel a sense of fulfillment. I would feel motivated and excited about my work and my high income would reflect that. This is a problem I’ve had for years now and I just don’t know how to solve it.”

Though we were meeting on Zoom, I could sense her frustration through my computer screen. Kelly looked at me hoping I would have the magical answer to her problem but I knew that my role in her life was not to give her answers but to ask her the questions she isn’t asking herself with the intention of helping her get back in touch with heart and her deepest desires.

Feeling stuck and uncertain about whether we're on the right path is a common experience in our industry of creators. I encounter this issue with almost everyone I mentor. Often, feeling stuck is the result of following a path laid out by societal expectations or the pursuit of security and success as defined by others, rather than listening to our own hearts.

I asked Kelly to share with me how she defines success and where did that definition came from? And When did she learn to stop listening to her heart?

Kelly’s eyes began to tear up as she uttered what she has been avoiding to say to say to herself: “I’ve been too busy pleasing everyone around me and forgot to listen to my heart a long time ago. I’m afraid that if I make a change in my life I’ll disappoint my family and feel like I’m a failure”.

Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, and the comfort of familiarity can also keep us tethered to places and situations that no longer serve our growth or happiness. This disconnection from our authentic selves and our heart's true desires can lead to feelings of emptiness, dissatisfaction, and a lack of fulfillment, even if we achieve the goals we thought we wanted. The realization that our current path may not reflect our dreams and desires can be unsettling.

This period of feeling stuck is often a crucial wake-up call, prompting us to pause, reflect, and realign our choices with our heart’s desires. It's important to recognize that feeling stuck is not an indication of failure but rather a sign that it's time to reassess your journey.

Feeling stuck is an invitation to delve deeper into our selves, to understand what truly matters to us, and to muster the courage to make changes that resonate more closely with our heart's desires.

Helping people reconnect with their heart and get back in alignment with their authentic self is the foundation my Creative High Growth mentoring program. With Kelly, I knew exactly where to take her next - out of her “problem solving mind” and back in touch with her heart.

I guided Kelly on a journey of self inquiry to help her begin to listen to the voice of her soul. To help her unblock the loud noise of fear and worry that she’s been accustomed to and create an opening for her to begin listing to her heart. I knew that once Kelly is in touch with her heart and begin to use it a her trusted advisor her path would unfold organically and she will know exactly what to do to move her life forward with enthusiasm and joy.

The journey to choosing the right path in life becomes richer and way more fun when we consult our heart. It makes the journey into one that is not just about achieving external success but about fulfilling our deepest yearnings.

As you stand at the crossroads in life, remember that the journey to choosing the right path is not just about external exploration but, more importantly, about diving deep into your inner world. This introspective journey is where you'll discover the whispers and roars of your heart's true desires.

Take the time to listen, really listen, to what your heart is telling you. It's in this quiet introspection that you'll find the clarity and courage to pursue a path that truly resonates with your soul.

Are you ready to listen?...


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