Shifting your negative beliefs with mantras

Shifting your negative beliefs with mantras

What is it that feeds the negative voice inside our head? A belief system that is powered by a scarcity mindset. 

When the inner engine is fueled by fear and self doubt, the actions we take from that mindset will never bring us the outcome we desire.  

These negative beliefs and self talk, often subconscious, dictate our reactions, emotions, and even our creative expression. 

Negative beliefs, the insidious whispers in our minds, are more than just fleeting thoughts. They are deeply rooted perceptions we hold about ourselves, often formed from past experiences, societal messages, or internalized fears.

These beliefs act as filters through which we view ourselves and the world around us. When these filters are tinted with negativity, they significantly limit our potential to live a life of abundance.

Abundance extends beyond material wealth; it encompasses joy, fulfillment, love, health, and creativity. However, negative beliefs create an invisible barrier that can restrict access to abundance. They shape our reality by influencing our decisions, actions, and reactions. 

In my twenty years of coaching people, I’ve identified five negative beliefs that keep showing up in almost everyone I’ve coach. These beliefs foster a scarcity mindset, where we view life as a series of limitations rather than possibilities. 

Each of of these beliefs fosters a limitation that holds us back from living a life of abundance. To shift into abundance mindset, we must first examine our belief system and identify which beliefs are running the show. 

Can identify any of these beliefs in you?   

1. “I’m not good enough” - This belief often leads to a lack of self-confidence and self-worth. It prevents you from taking risks, trying new things, or pursuing your dreams.

2. "I'm going to fail." - This belief instills a fear of failure, which can be paralyzing. It might stop you from trying new things or taking on challenges. This fear can keep you stuck in your comfort zones, hindering learning and growth.

3. "I don't deserve happiness." - This belief results in self-sabotaging behaviors where you might unconsciously undermine your own success or happiness. It can also lead to neglecting self-care and not seeking out positive experiences or relationships.

4. "I can't do this." - This belief leads to a defeatist attitude, where you give up easily or don't even attempt tasks or goals, believing they are beyond your capabilities. It fosters a fixed mindset, limiting personal and professional growth.

5. "No one will like me." - This foster a negative self-image and potentially lead to social anxiety. This belief often prevents meaningful connections with others and can impact personal and professional relationships.


Powerful stuff, right? 

There’s a profound insights I once heard taught by Mahatma Gandhi:

"Watch your thoughts as they become your beliefs, your beliefs become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values and your values become your destiny." 

This insights perfectly captures the transformative journey of belief change. 

Your beliefs shape not just your thoughts and words, but ultimately, the very destiny you manifest.

So how do we change our negative beliefs into positive, inspiring, self loving ones? 

We use mantras. 

Mantras Are Like Magic Words

A mantra can be any phrase or statement repeated frequently, which can help to focus the mind, change thought patterns, and manifest specific goals.

Mantras serve as powerful tools in this context because they leverage the principle of neuroplasticity — the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life.

Mantras work by creating a positive, repetitive focus, which gradually overwrites the negative or limiting beliefs lodged in our subconscious. When we repeat a mantra, we're not just speaking words; we're actively cultivating an environment for our minds to grow and reshape. 

Mantras anchor us in the present moment, a state where creativity flows more freely. By concentrating on these affirmative phrases, we draw our attention away from distracting thoughts and into a state of mindfulness. 

If self-doubt and fear often lurk in you, adopting mantras as a daily practice can be transformative. It's about reprogramming the mind to foster a nurturing rather than a limiting environment for your creative free spirit to thrive.

Take a mantra for a test drive.

Once you’ve identified a negative belief you wish to transform, the next step is to create a positive counter-mantra. 

This mantra should be a direct, positive opposition to the negative belief. For instance, if the negative belief is "I'm not good enough," the positive mantra could be "I am worthy and capable." 

The key to embedding this new belief into our subconscious is through consistent practice and reinforcement.

Here's a practical and effective exercise that I often give my coaching clients to integrate a chosen mantra into a daily life:

Write Your Mantra on Post-It Notes: Take 10 Post-It notes and write your chosen mantra on each one. The act of writing itself reinforces the mantra in your mind.

Put Them Everywhere: Stick these notes all over your place – on the mirror, your computer, the fridge, by your bed, even on your front door.

Read and Reflect: Every time you see a note, read your mantra out loud or in your head. Think about what it means and how it applies to your life right now.

Consistency Is Key: Keep at it! The key to this exercise is repetition and consistency. The more frequently you see and engage with your mantra, the more deeply it will be embedded in your belief system .

This "Post-It Note Method" is a simple yet powerful way to constantly remind yourself of the new belief you are trying to instill. It serves as a regular prompt for your mind to think, absorb, and eventually believe the positive message, helping  in a gradual transformation of your belief system.

Remember, the path to changing your beliefs and unlocking your creative free spirit is not just about adopting new practices like mantras; it's about believing in the immense power and creativity that resides within you.

You have the ability to reshape your thoughts, to turn the impossible into the possible. Each mantra you repeat is not just a set of words but a reflection of the strength and resilience that is inherently yours. 

As you place those Post-It notes around, know that each one is a reminder of your worth, your capabilities, and your limitless potential.

You are not alone on this path. As your coach and mentor, I am here, cheering for you, believing in you, and waiting to see all the wonderful things you will achieve. 

Keep creating, keep dreaming, and most importantly, keep believing in yourself.

Here's to your creative high growth!


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