What makes you come alive?

What makes you come alive?

I recently stumbled upon this profound quote by Howard Thurman:

'Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.'

This question resonates with me, as what stirs our souls evolves alongside our growth.

In my earlier years, my soul was set ablaze by design and helping organizations weave their brand stories. I built a successful agency and immersed myself in this passion for nearly two decades. But as time passed, the flame dimmed, leaving me feeling exhausted and uninspired.

A pivotal moment came in 2004 when I was invited to share my insights on running a successful creative business with local designers. This experience, in the backyard of my LA studio, reignited my inner spark.

I followed this renewed energy and soon found myself teaching workshops and co-authoring a book on pricing and marketing. This journey marked the end of my design career chapter and the beginning of a new one – coaching and mentoring.

Two decades later, I cherish the decision to embrace that speaking opportunity, which became the catalyst for discovering a new path and an exciting facets of my talents. 

If you are seeking to find what makes you come alive these days, consider these four reflections:

Reignite Your Spark: It starts with looking within. Ignore societal noise and listen to your inner voice. What activities make you lose track of time? When do you feel most energized? These are clues to your true passions. Follow the spark that lives deep inside of you and ignore the inner critic's voice that may steer you away. 

Take Risks for Growth: Embracing risks is crucial in our journey to what makes us come alive. It's about daring to venture into new territories, whether in our careers, personal endeavors, or creative expressions. These leaps, though intimidating, are gateways to discovering our truest selves and unlocking our deepest passions.

The Ripple Effect of Passion: Pursuing what enlivens you isn't just about your own fulfillment. Your enthusiasm and zest have a ripple effect, inspiring and uplifting those around you. Your passion contributes to a positive chain reaction in the world.

Passion Meets World's Need: While Thurman suggests not starting with the world's needs, there often is a beautiful intersection where your passion serves a greater purpose. Engaging deeply in what you love naturally benefits the world, whether through innovation, compassion, or leadership.

Living in harmony with what brings you to life is about consistently making choices that reflect your passions. This doesn't mean neglecting responsibilties, but weaving your passions into all life aspects, enriching your daily routine, work, and relationships.

As we usher in 2024, ask yourself: What makes you come alive that you haven't fully explored yet?

Thurman's wisdom is more than a path to personal joy; it's an invitation to a vibrant, engaged world. By nurturing what truly kindles your spirit, you transform not just your life but also contribute to a world of passionate individuals.

Remember: the most profound impact you can make is by being authentically and passionately yourself.


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